Top 10 benefits of bitter gourd and its uses

Bitter Gourd has lots of nutrients in it which are very good for health. It has a lot of benefits. You can consume bitter gourd in different ways like by making juice, frying it in oil, making chips, or as a vegetable, and many different ways. I know that you all may hate bitter gourd because of its bitter taste. Its taste may be bitter but it protects the body from disease, helps with weight loss, and many more. If you regularly eat bitter gourd, you will be very healthy and it will protect you from disease. Let me tell you the benefits of bitter gourd. If you consume bitter gourd juice daily it will give you many benefits. 

Nutritional value of bitter gourd

The nutritional value of bitter gourd per 130 grams is approximately as follows:

Calories: 20

Protein: 1.2 grams

Fat: 0.2 grams

Carbohydrates: 4.6 grams

Fiber: 2.6 grams

Vitamin C: 84 milligrams (140% DV) (Daily Value)

Vitamin A: 960 IU (International Unit) (19% DV)

Folate: 60 micrograms (15% DV)

Potassium: 390 milligrams (11% DV)

Iron: 0.4 milligrams (4% DV)

1. Effective in weight loss 

Obesity is another health problem that causes frustration and pain among many losing weight becomes a primary concern for those who are suffering from the problem. Bitter gourd has got antioxidants that are effective in flushing out your digestive system this can in turn improvise your digestive system and metabolism thereby aiding you in putting off your weight quickly. If you want to lose weight bitter gourd is perfect for you. You can choose to consume it as a juice or vegetable. Bitter gourd has fewer calories and high quantities of fiber. Fiber will help clean the stomach. You will not feel hungry after having eaten bitter gourd as it is high in fiber. It helps in digestion and aids weight loss. Once you have eaten bitter gourd, you will not immediately feel hungry. It keeps your stomach full for a longer time. This way bitter gourd helps people who want to lose weight.

2. Best for diabetes

Drink the bitter gourd juice blended with lemon on an empty stomach every day for around six months and you will see results 5 good for diabetic people. If are you suffering from diabetes then try this bitter gourd juice that helps you overcome type-2 diabetes.  You must know that type-2 diabetes occurs partially when your cell is unable to absorb the sugar content present in the blood which is either a result of lack of insulin or resistance towards insulin. Whatever the case may be cells will not be able to absorb sugar content since there is no effectiveness in the produced insulin. Sugar absorption happens when the amp-activated protein kinase gets activated in your cells. Bitter melon can effectively activate the kinases and as a result the sugar absorption in cells increases this will, in turn, get diabetes under regulation. you can prepare green juice if you are diabetic. The recipe is quite simple green apples, celery, cucumbers, green capsicum, and bitter gourd must be made into juice. Bitter gourd has got some chemicals which are like insulin and that will help in decreasing the sugar levels in your blood. 

3. Keep your immune system healthy

The immunity system in a body must be really strong it is because the immunity system is what fights against the foreign bodies in your bloodstream and protects you from facing harm. If your immunity system is strong you can stay void of health disorders that foreign bodies carry. Consuming Bitter Gourd in any form helps in multiplying the cells and improves immunity. In our blood, we have three types of blood cells. White, yellow, and red blood cells. Consuming bitter gourd helps in increasing the number of white blood cells, which helps in protecting the body against disease. Boil the bitter gourd vegetables or leaves in water until the nutrients are extracted drink the water frequently every day and your immune system will gain the ability to fight against many diseases.

4. A good fighter against acne 

Pimples or acne is one skin problem that bothers most of us a lot besides the marks they leave behind are quite embarrassing however by consuming bitter gourd you can effectively get rid of this problem. It has also anti-aging qualities.

5. Respiratory problems

The bitter gourds are a great remedy if you are looking to cure respiratory disorders such as colds, coughs, asthma, and many more. You can make a paste using bitter gourd leaves and mix it with honey consume this recipe every morning and you will be keeping away a lot of respiratory problems.

6. It's good for liver

The liver is one of the most essential organs of our body. These days liver disorders are on the rise you can do your bit in keeping your liver healthy by using bitter gourd make a glass of bitter gourd juice and drink the juice every day to avoid liver problems and even heal liver problems continue consuming this juice regularly and you can see the results in two weeks.

7. constipation can be cured  

constipation is directly related to our digestive system and we know how agonizing it is. Bitter gourd aids easy and smooth digestion since it had got fibrous properties, as a result, the food gets digested well and the waste gets excreted from the body this will aid in curing indigestion as well as constipation. 

8. Blood purifier 

Bitter gourd has got antioxidant and antimicrobial properties which will help you in treating skin disorders, blood-related problems and cleanse toxins out of your blood and help in its purification further bitter gourd juice also enhances blood circulation in the whole of your body. 

9. Good for the heart

There are two types of Cholesterol. One is good cholesterol and the other is bad cholesterol. If the bad cholesterol levels are high in the body, it can be dangerous and can cause a heart attack. High cholesterol levels block the arteries which cause problems in blood circulation. This could lead to a heart attack, stroke, or any other heart problem. Bitter gourd helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol and makes the body healthy.

10. Helpful in infections

Bitter gourd also fights against blemishes as well as intense skin infections. This vegetable is also helpful in healing blood disorders such as scabies, itching, ringworm, and many other fungal problems.

Additionally, bitter gourd has Vitamin C which quickly helps in healing wounds, prevents disease, and makes bones strong. So, start consuming bitter gourd to maintain your health.


Which vitamin is found in bitter gourd?

The natural product is plentiful in nutrients, specifically vitamin A, vitamin E, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folate, and L-ascorbic acid. Likewise, it additionally has a high amount of potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, and zinc.

Does bitter gourd purify blood?

The solid antimicrobial and cell reinforcement properties of Unpleasant Gourd support filtration of the blood, which assists in advancing cleaning wellbeing. Unpleasant gourd is likewise proficient in relieving different skin illnesses like dermatitis and psoriasis.

Is bitter gourd good for the stomach?

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It is a phenomenal wellspring of dietary fiber. Customary utilization of harsh gourds contributes to alleviating blockage and acid reflux. It upholds solid stomach microbes, which favors assimilation and supplement ingestion.

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