Benefits of lemon on health and its uses

Lemons are especially known for their high vitamin C content, which is important for a strong immune system and for the creation of collagen, a protein that keeps up with the strength of your skin, bones, and veins. They likewise provide limited quantities of different nutrients and minerals, making them a nutritious addition to your eating routine.

Nutritional value of lemon

Nutritional value of lemon (about 58 grams),

Calories: 17

Carbohydrates: 5.4 grams

Dietary fiber: 1.6 grams

Sugars: 1.5 grams

Protein: 0.6 grams

Fat: 0.2 grams

Vitamin C: 30.7 milligrams (about 34% of DV) Daily Value

Potassium: 80 milligrams

Folate: 6.4 micrograms

Vitamin B6: 0.1 milligrams

Thiamine (Vitamin B1): 0.03 milligrams

Calcium: 12 milligrams

Magnesium: 6 milligrams

Lemons are a natural citrus product rich in many nutrients and mixtures that offer various health advantages. A portion of the key health advantages of lemons include:

Rich in vitamin C

Lemons are a good source of vitamin C, which is necessary for the immune system, collagen amalgamation, and wound healing.

Antioxidant Properties

Lemons contain cancer prevention agents, for example, flavonoids, which assist with safeguarding cells from harm brought about by free radicals and oxidative pressure, possibly diminishing the risk of persistent infections like coronary illness and certain tumors.

Stomach-related well-being

The citrus extract in lemons might assist with further developing absorption by animating the creation of stomach-related juices and chemicals. It can likewise prevent side effects such as acid reflux and bulging.


Lemon water is a refreshing method for remaining hydrated, particularly when polished off instead of sweet drinks. Remaining hydrated is important for general wellbeing and complete physical processes.

Weight loss

Some exploration recommends that the gelatin fiber found in lemons might assist with controlling hunger and advance sensations of totality, possibly supporting weight loss.

Skin beauty

The vitamin C in lemons might assist with diminishing skin maturation, further developing the skin surface, and improving the complexion. Lemon juice can likewise be utilized topically to ease up dull spots and flaws.

Kidney Stone Avoidance

Lemon juice is rich in citrus extract, which can increase pee citrate levels and assist with preventing the development of kidney stones.

Alkalizing Impact

In spite of their acidic taste, lemons significantly affect the body once processed, which might assist with adjusting pH levels and lessen the risk of acid-related conditions.

Fresh Breath

The antibacterial properties of lemons can assist with refreshing breath and diminish oral microbes that cause terrible breath.

Supports Iron absorption

The vitamin C in lemons can upgrade the assimilation of non-heme iron from plant-based food sources, making it a significant addition to vegan and vegetarian calorie counts.


How to use lemon 

Lemon juice in lukewarm water

Lemon has many benefits in our life. Consuming one or two lemons daily has many benefits. If we add lemon juice to a glass of lukewarm water and drink it daily, it not only reduces our weight but also increases our immunity. It lowers cholesterol and melts excess fat from the body. It is an excellent antioxidant. It makes our skin glow and glow and makes our face beautiful.

Apart from this, the use of lemon in warm water also protects against cancer and heart disease. The potassium in the lemon juice prevents the formation of kidney stones and dissolves its components in stearic acid and expels them from the body through urine. Indigestion is caused by the acidity produced in the stomach. Apart from this, digestion can also be disturbed due to stomach infection or constipation. The use of lemon water is very beneficial in removing it. If you have sleep problems, consuming lemon in warm water before going to bed at night can help you get a good night's


Side effect of to much lemon water use

One or two lemons should be consumed daily, consuming more lemons can cause much harm.

Damage our teeth

If we drink lemon juice mixed with a small amount of water, it will damage our teeth. If we continue to drink lemon juice in less amount of water for several days, it will damage the enamel on our teeth, which will cause our teeth to deteriorate.

Cause joint pain

Lemon water is very beneficial in removing stomach acidity but consuming too much lemon water can cause you to urinate more often, which can lead to the loss of many vitamins and minerals from your body. Due to excessive urination, the calcium in the body is wasted, which is harmful to the bones. Loss of lubricant causes joint pain. 

Increase level of iron

Lemons contain vitamin C, which helps in the absorption of iron. Consuming too much lemon increases the level of iron in the body, which leads to damage to many vital organs.

Damage the facial skin

Some people apply lemon juice directly on the skin for facial beauty at night.
Constantly applying lemon juice on the face makes the skin dry and itchy because it contains stearic acid which damages the facial skin.
Therefore, we should consume lemon in adequate amounts daily.

Final say

While lemons offer many health benefits, it's important to use them as a component of a balanced eating routine as opposed to depending entirely on them for health improvement. Furthermore, people with citrus sensitivities or responsive qualities should not consume lemons or talk with a medical services professional before doing so.


Is lemon good for everyday use?

Consuming lemons day-to-day is alright for a great many people and can offer health benefits. Lemons are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, supporting a strong immune system.  Use lemon in the proper quantity; otherwise, it damages the teeth because of its acidic nature.

How much lemon daily is advantageous?

One to two lemons should be consumed daily.

Can we use lemon on our hair?

Lemon contains a strong citrus extract that can delicately purge the scalp, eliminate excess oil, and dispense with undesirable development. Moreover, it can add life to your hair, making it shiny and free of oil. It is very simple to make a lemon hair wash.

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